Malawi (18 doucments)
EVANS, G. & ROSE, P. (2007) Support for Democracy in Malawi: Does Schooling Matter? World Development, 35, 904-919.
Education is assumed to be an important influence on citizens' understanding and endorsement of democracy, but whether this occurs in newly democratic societies with relatively low levels of educational provision is less clear. This paper explores the effect of education on understandings of and support for democratic government in Malawi--paying particular attention to the consequences of primary schooling, which remains the modal experience of Malawian voters. Analysis of a national survey indicates that primary schooling promotes citizen endorsement of democracy and rejection of non-democratic alternatives even when it has taken place under authoritarian rule, without explicit civic education.
Document available online
GOVERNMENT OF MALAWI (2004) National Plan of Action for Orphans and other Vulnerable Children 2004-2009. Government of Malawi
GOVERNMENT OF MALAWI (n.d.) Combating HIV and AIDS in the Education Sector in Malawi: Strategic Plan 2005-2008. Lilongwe, Ministry of Education.
This strategic plan identifies relevant HIV and AIDS prevention, mitigation, treatment, care and support, workplace programs, mainstreaming and related activities that are very critical to the education sector. It is a guide for all stakeholders in the public and private education sector.
KADZAMIRA, E. & ROSE, P. (2003) Can Free Primary Education meet the needs of the poor? Evidence from Malawi. International Journal of Educational Development, 23, 501 - 516.
Following elections in 1994, the Government of Malawi embarked on an ambitious programme of free primary education (FPE), resulting in a dramatic increase in enrolment. The paper argues that the policy did not sufficiently consider the ways in which direct and indirect costs of schooling continue to be prohibitive for some households, or the effects that the expansion would have on quality. The relevance of education for the majority of children who receive only a few years of primary schooling is also questioned. The paper suggests that FPE might not be contributing to the achievement of poverty alleviation goals, as intended. (Abstract by author/s)
Document available online
KADZAMIRA, E. C. & KUNJE, D. (1996) Evaluation of pilot double shift secondary schools: final report. Centre for Educational Research and Training, University of Malawi.
KADZAMIRA, E. C. (2003) Where has all the education gone in Malawi? Brighton, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex.
The main objective of the study was to examine the types of employment activity undertaken by secondary school leavers and university graduates after they have completed their secondary and university education respectively and explore how these have changed over the last twenty years.
KADZAMIRA, E. C. & NELL, M. (2004) Potential Programmes for Out-of-School Youth: exploring the interface between Basic Education and Vocational Education and Training. Lilongwe, GTZ Malawi Basic Education Programme (GTZ-MBEP).
MILNER, G., BANDA, T., CHIMOMBO, J. P. G. & MCHIKOMA, C. (2001) The Quality of Primary Education in Malawi: Some Policy Suggestions Based on a Survey of Schools. An Interim Report. Paris, UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning, and Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
Document available online
MINISTRY OF EDUCATION (n.d.) Complementary Basic Education for out-of-school children and youth: Implementation Strategy. Lilongwe, Ministry of Education.
MINISTRY OF GENDER AND COMMUNITY SERVICES MALAWI (2003) National Policy on Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children. Lilongwe, Ministry of Gender and Community Services Malawi. Document available online
MINISTRY OF EDUCATION MALAWI (2005) Combating HIV and AIDS in the Education Sector in Malawi. Strategic Plan 2005-2008. Lilongwe, Ministry of Education Malawi.
MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING (2006) Malawi National Education Sector Plan. Lilongwe, Malawi, Ministry of Education and Vocational Training.
MOLENI, C. M. & NAMPOTA, D. C. (2006) Complementary Basic Education in Malawi. Baseline Survey. Lilongwe, Centre for Educational Research and Training, University of Malawi.
MOLENI, C. M. & NAMPOTA, D. C. (2007) Complementary Basic Education in Malawi. Term One Evaluation. Lilongwe, Centre for Educational Research and Training, University of Malawi
MOLENI, C. M. & NDALAMA, L. (2004) Teacher Absence and Attrition in primary schools in Malawi: a case study of four districts. Zomba, Centre for Educational Research and Training (CERT) and Malawi Institute of Education (MIE).
MUNTHALI, A. C., CHIMBIRI, A. & ZULU, E. (2004) Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Malawi: A Synthesis of Research Evidence. New York, The Alan Guttmacher Institute.
The primary goal of this report is to summarize what is known about adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Malawi and to identify knowledge and program gaps requiring further research and program action. Drawing from a wide range of studies carried out in the country since 1990, the synthesis reviews the social, cultural and economic context in which adolescents live; their sexual and reproductive health experiences; sources of information and services related to sexual and reproductive health; knowledge and attitudes about HIV/AIDS and personal risk assessment; and policies and programs on adolescent sexual and reproductive health in the country (Abstract is an extract from the report)
NAC (2007) The National HIV/AIDS Action Framework (NAF) for Malawi 2005 - 2009. Lilongwe, Malawi, National AIDS Commission.
The National HIV/AIDS Action Framework (NAF) for Malawi was developed to cover the period 2005-2009 and it is based on the findings of the End of Term (ETR) review of the National Strategic Framework (NSF) for HIV/AIDS that guided the response from 2000-2004. The ETR of the NSF aimed at identifying key achievements, challenges, and emerging issues in the management of the national HIV/AIDS response. The review was intended to offer the country an opportunity to redefine key priority areas, identify key strategies and activities, and indicators that Malawi should focus on during the next five years. This NAF was carried out using a highly participatory and nationwide consultative approach and has been developed around eight pillars. The pillars, which at the same time constitute key priority areas of the NAF, include the following:
• Prevention and behaviour change
• Treatment, care and support
• Mitigation: socio-economic and psychosocial
• Mainstreaming, partnerships and capacity building
• Research and development
• Monitoring and evaluation
• Resource mobilisation, tracking and utilisation
• National policy coordination and programme planning
NSO (2005) Malawi Demographic and Health Survey 2004 Calverton, Maryland, National Statistical Office (Malawi) and ORC Macro.
SWAN, C. (2007) Malawi Non-formal education: Country profile prepared for the Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2008. UNESCO. Paris